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Distance Chamber


Test without contraindications

Distance Chamber

Distance Chamber

From now on, tests possible for everyone without contraindications

From now on without contraindications in Mezator M1

From now on, you can perform remote scanning and metatherapy with the M1 with the same software and without losing any device functionality.

From now on, you can perform remote scanning and metatherapy with the M1 having the same software and without losing any functionality of the device.

By having a distance chamber for the Mezator M1, you do not have the problem of contraindications to perform tests. The chamber uses scalar wave technology - scalar wave technology developed by Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyla, who adapted the idea of scalar wave transmission according to Nikola Tesla.

What is a distance chamber?

Having a distance chamber for the Mezator M1, you have no problem with contraindications to perform tests.

The chamber uses scalar wave technology - scalar wave technology developed by Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyla, who adopted the idea of scalar wave transmission according to Nikola Tesla

Just put a strand of hair, a piece of nail into the chamber and you will be able to perform the test even for people with contraindications or at a distance !

Distance Chamber

Distance Chamber M1

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